# Everything is a (Python) module

About me

Salvador de la Puente González
Dicebamus hesterna die...
Logo de la PyConES 2015

Por Salva de la Puente, PyConES 2016

Transparencia sobre la maquinaria de import durante la charla de PyConES 2015, a modo de broma, no es relevante.

Por Raul Cumplido, PyConES 2016

[Syntactic macros in Python](../syntactic-macros-python/) [delapuente/mcpy](https://github.com/delapuente/mcpy)
Index 1. Foreign language integration 2. Feasability 3. The import machinery 3. `abm`: abstract modules
## Foreging language integration
I've joined IBM Research to work for **Emerging Techonology Experiences**. I work on [Qiskit](), a Python framework for designing and running quantum computing experiments.
Designing cuantum circuits ![Bell state circuit](./imgs/bell-state.png) This circuit makes reading the register to output `00` or `11` with a 50% chance each.

This is how a quantum experiment looks alike in Qiskit:

from qiskit import *
def bell():
  qr = QuantumRegister(2)
  cr = ClassicalRegister(2)
  qc = QuantumCircuit(qr, cr)
  qc.cnot(qr[1], qr[0])
  qc.measure(qr, cr)
  return qc

result = execute(qc, backend='local_qasm_simulator').result()
# will print {'counts': {'00': 534, '11': 490}}
Bell circuit

Clear but verbose.

How about a specific language for creating circuits?

# in circuits.crc
crc bell q[2] -> c[2]:
  - :h: q1
  - q1 :cx: q0
Bell circuit

More succint and funnier to write...

But also easy to integrate with Python ```python import crc from circuits import bell bell() # will print {'counts': {'00': 534, '11': 490}} ```
## Feasability
Python can load from `.zip` modules: ```bash $ tree . └── foo.zip ``` ```python import os, sys sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd() + '/foo.zip') import bar bar.__file__ # will print '/Users/salva/test/foo.zip/bar.py' ```
Python can load non `.py` modules such as `.pyc` or `.so`. ```bash $ tree . └── bar.pyc ``` ```python import bar bar.__file__ # will print 'bar.pyc' ```
How does Python **distinguish** between loading a `.pyc` or a `.py` file?
## The import machinery
Let's say we execute: ```python import utils ``` ```bash $ tree . └── utils.py 0 directories, 1 file ```
It first check the **`sys.modules` cache**, which is a mapping of (fully qualified) module names and module objects. If not in the cache...
The **finders** in `sys.meta_path` are used to find the modules.
```bash import utils ``` ```bash sys.meta_path: +------------------+-----------------+-------------+ | builtin_importer | frozen_importer | path_finder | +------------------+-----------------+-------------+ ```
```bash import utils ^^^^^  ``` ```bash sys.meta_path: +------------------+-----------------+-------------+ | builtin_importer | frozen_importer | path_finder | +------------------+-----------------+-------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python builtin_importer.find_spec('utils', None) ``` Returns `None`
```bash import utils ^^^^^ ``` ```bash sys.meta_path: +------------------+-----------------+-------------+ | builtin_importer | frozen_importer | path_finder | +------------------+-----------------+-------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python frozen_importer.find_spec('utils', None) ``` Returns `None`
```bash import utils ^^^^^  ``` ```bash sys.meta_path: +------------------+-----------------+-------------+ | builtin_importer | frozen_importer | path_finder | +------------------+-----------------+-------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python path_finder.find_spec('utils', None) ``` Returns a **`module_spec`** and use it to load the module!
![Step into](imgs/step-into.png) ```python path_finder.find_spec('utils', None) ```
The `PathFinder` instance in the `sys.meta_path` is in charge of searching for modules inside _sorts of paths_. It turns out, **it is extensible**.
```bash module_name = 'utils' ``` ```bash sys.path: +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'foo.zip' | '' | '/Users/salva/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/' | +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ ``` ```bash sys.path_hooks: +--------------+-------------+ | zip_importer | file_finder | +--------------+-------------+ ```
The `sys.path` and `sys.path_hooks` lists are used to determine **where to search** the module.
The module's name is used to determine **what to search**.
```bash sys.path: +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'foo.zip' | '' | '/Users/salva/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/' | +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```bash sys.path_hooks: +--------------+-------------+ | zip_importer | file_finder | +--------------+-------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python entry_finder = zip_importer('foo.zip') ``` Returns an **entry finder**. Meaning: "The `zip_importer` can search inside `'foo.zip'`...".
```bash sys.path: +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'foo.zip' | '' | '/Users/salva/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/' | +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```bash sys.path_hooks: +--------------+-------------+ | zip_importer | file_finder | +--------------+-------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python entry_finder = zip_importer('foo.zip') entry_finder.find_spec(module_name, parent_path) ``` Returns `None`. Meaning: "...but could not find `module_name`."
```bash sys.path: +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'foo.zip' | '' | '/Users/salva/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/' | +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ ^^^^ ``` ```bash sys.path_hooks: +--------------+-------------+ | zip_importer | file_finder | +--------------+-------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python entry_finder = zip_importer('') # '' means the current working directory ``` Returns a `None`. Meaning: "`zip_importer` cannot search inside the `CWD`"
```bash sys.path: +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'foo.zip' | '' | '/Users/salva/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/' | +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ ^^^^ ``` ```bash sys.path_hooks: +--------------+-------------+ | zip_importer | file_finder | +--------------+-------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python entry_finder = file_finder('') # returns a file entry finder ``` Returns an **entry finder**. Meaning: "`file_finder` can search inside the `CWD`..."
```bash sys.path: +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ | 'foo.zip' | '' | '/Users/salva/.venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/' | +-----------+----+---------------------------------------------------+ ^^^^ ``` ```bash sys.path_hooks: +--------------+-------------+ | zip_importer | file_finder | +--------------+-------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python entry_finder = file_finder('') # returns a file entry finder entry_finder.find_spec(module_name, parent_path) ``` Returns a **`module_spec`**. Meaning: "...and found `module_name`."
![Step into](imgs/step-into.png) ```python entry_finder.find_spec(module_name, parent_path) ```
The `file_finder` uses a mapping of extensions and `Loader` classes to determine which loader bind to `module_spec.loader`.
```bash parent_path = None module_name = 'utils' # just the last component ``` ```bash file_finder._loaders: +--------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+ | ('.so', ExtLoader) | ('.py', SourceLoader) | ('.pyc', SourcelessLoader) | +--------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+ ```
```bash parent_path = None module_name = 'utils' ``` ```bash file_finder._loaders: +--------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+ | ('.so', ExtLoader) | ('.py', SourceLoader) | ('.pyc', SourcelessLoader) | +--------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python if Path(module_name + '.so').exists(): module_spec.loader = ExtLoader() ``` Does not exist, continue searching...
```bash parent_path = None module_name = 'utils' ``` ```bash file_finder._loaders: +--------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+ | ('.so', ExtLoader) | ('.py', SourceLoader) | ('.pyc', SourcelessLoader) | +--------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``` ```python if Path(module_name + '.py').exists(): module_spec.loader = SourceLoader() ``` Exists! The `module_spec` has the proper loader in place and it is returned to the import machinery.
The **`loader` attribute** of the `module_spec` is used to create and execute the module. Something like: ```python module = module_spec.loader.create_module(module_spec) module_spec.loader.exec_module(module) ```
The module is finally cached in **`sys.modules`**. And now the module is imported and everything is fine!
So, can we add new pairs extension/loader class? ```bash file_finder._loaders: +--------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+ | ('.so', ExtLoader) | ('.py', SourceLoader) | ('.pyc', SourcelessLoader) | +--------------------+-----------------------+----------------------------+ ```
Nope. Loaders are passed during initialization of the import machinery module in a function marked as private and ~~cannot~~ should not be altered.
From the Zen of Python
> Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
> Although **practicality beats purity**.
## `abm`: abstract modules [delapuente/abm](https://github.com/delapuente/abm)
You can install it from `pip`: ```bash $ pip install abm ``` Or GitHub: ```bash $ pip install -e git+https://github.com/delapuente/abm.git#egg=abm ```
Activate it with the following code: ```python import abm.activate ``` Now you can register a new loader for an extension with: ```python import sys sys.abm_hooks['.jpg'] = JpgLoader ```
### How does it work?
`_loaders` setter and getter, and `activate` function: ```python def activate(): if not hasattr(sys, 'abm_hooks'): sys.abm_hooks = {} FileFinder._loaders = property(_get_loaders, _set_loaders) def _set_loaders(self, loaders): self._builtin_loaders = loaders def _get_loaders(self): return chain( self._builtin_loaders, getattr(sys, 'abm_hooks').items()) ```
The `activate` module creates **`sys.abm_hooks`** and changes the `FileFinder` class to convert the internal `_loaders` attribute into a class property. The getter and setter for this property behave as follows:
1. The setter **diverts the value to a new instance attribute** to retain the original initialization. 2. The getter **combines the new attribute with the hooks from `sys.abm_hooks`**.
This way, when reading `_loaders`... ```bash file_finder._loaders: ----------------------+----------------------------+ +---------------------+ ('.py', SourceLoader) | ('.pyc', SourcelessLoader) | + | ('.jpg', JpgLoader) | ----------------------+----------------------------+ +---------------------+ file_finder._builtin_loaders + sys.abm_hooks.items() ```
### Writing loaders
The `.ini` file: ```ini ; config.ini [section] key = value ``` ```bash $ tree . └── config.ini 0 directories, 1 file ```
The module class: ```python from types import ModuleType from configparser import ConfigParser class IniModule(ModuleType, ConfigParser): def __init__(self, spec_name): ModuleType.__init__(self, spec_name) ConfigParser.__init__(self) ```
The loader: ```python from abm.loaders import AbmLoader class IniLoader(AbmLoader): extensions = ('.ini',) def create_module(self, spec): module = IniModule(spec.name) self.init_module_attrs(module) return module def exec_module(self, module): module.read(self.path) ```
Usage: ```python import abm.activate IniLoader.register() import config assert(config['section']['key'] == 'value') ```
Remember: 1. `create_module` is in charge of creating the module instance. 2. `exec_module` is in charge of populating the module.
## See also * [The import system](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/import.html) * [The `importlib` reference](https://docs.python.org/3/library/importlib.html) * [`crc`: a language for writing quantum circuits](https://github.com/delapuente/crc)