The Internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible to all.
For exmaple: use GitHub.
Talk about your interests (WordPress), share your thoughts (Twitter) and know people (i.e. attend to conferences or meetups).
Embrace Creative Commons.
Choose a free software license…
…or at least an open source one.
You will learn a bunch of useful skills and develop some important collaboration attitudes.
Mozilla is a non-profit organization whose goal is to keep the Internet alive and accesible so people worldwide can be informed contributors and creators of the Web.
The Mozilla Manifesto summarizes our values and principles.
Mozilla is supported by one of the largest communities of volunteers worldwide. These volunteers help us…
And the participation is not limited to tech people.
Do you engage with our vision?
Become a Mozilla Representative!
Do you want to participate?
Find your Mozilla Rep.
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Two approaches…
Developers talking & listening to developers.
Salvador de la Puente González